My name is Cédric Folepe, PDG and founder of CEF ImmoFinanz, a company incorporated under German law with headquarters in Heilbronn. This company offers various services in the areas of finance, real estate, insurance and advice on investment strategies. Among other things, I am also a certified financial advisor, certified real estate appraiser and real estate investor. My team and I support clients on a daily basis in their real estate acquisition projects.
I arrived in Germany in 2003. My determination, my discipline and my motivation for work allowed me after my German language courses to do brilliant studies in automation technology at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich where I easily integrated myself.
Holder of an engineering degree, I noticed that the system although offered jobs for young graduates (citizens and non-citizens) also has a wide spectrum of opportunities guaranteeing a future or a good retirement for any ambitious young person.
This is how I followed additional training in the financial field as a certified financial advisor and in the real estate field as a certified expert for the valuation and acquisition of real estate in order to broaden my knowledge.
After years of experience in the financial and real estate sector, I decided to create my business in 2019 To support and support young people and customers wishing to build a safe and sustainable financial heritage.
I urge everyone to work hard today so that they can make their dreams come true tomorrow.
Cedric Folepe – CEO CEF Immofinanz
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Our Team
CEF Immofinanz advises you thanks to its specialized knowledge in the fields of financing, real estate, insurance and investment strategies focused on building your wealth.


Chief Quality & Process

Controlling & Sales Manager

1000 +
CEF Community
404 +
455 +
Consultation hours
99 %
Satisfied Customers
US Skills
CEF ImmoFinanz takes over the full support of your real estate financing - from the analysis of your situation to the concept of financing until the successful conclusion of a contract.

Reasons for
Choose CEF ImmoFinanz
Our team is made up of professionals in the field of real estate and financing and will be able to advise you within the framework of our proven service concept in every phase with extraordinary skills and experience